June 16, 2018NEO London Meetup

NEO has travelled to many countries across the world in the past few months. We are deeply impressed by the enthusiasm of the European community and therefore plan to come to London for an in-depth interaction with local communities and developers.
On the afternoon of June 16, NEO will hold a meetup. Some outstanding NEO based projects, like NKN, Phantasma, nOS, Alchemint and PikcioChain will also show up on the meetup. This is a great opportunity to get in close contact with NEO ecosystem.
On June 17, NEO will hold a blockchain challenge about "NEO node state monitoring" in London. Four winning teams will win the total prize of more than 1000 GAS. You can find more infomation related to the hackthon here.
Meetup Agenda
14:00-14:30 Registration
14:30-15:00 NEO
15:00-15:20 NKN
15:20-15:40 Phantasma
15:40-16:00 nOS
16:00-16:20 Alchemint
16:20-16:40 PikcioChain
Projects Introduction
NKN is the new kind of network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by blockchain for an open, decentralized, and shared Internet. We motivate users to share network connections, service providers to utilize unused bandwidth, and developers access to global peer to peer networking stack. NKN’s goal is to revamp the $1.4 trillion communication business, where we face many challenges today such as inefficient resource utilization, lack of net neutrality, and centralized network control. By blockchainizing the network layer, NKN is providing the missing third pillar of internet infrastructure just as Ethereum has done for compute and ipfs for storage. Our core technical innovations are dynamic routing, Proof of Relay, highly scalable consensus, and token reward mechanism.
Phantasma is a messaging platform where the users control their own content, instead of relying in third parties servers. The platform support any kind of transactions between users, eg: email, chat, files, money transfers.
nOS is the Virtual Operating System for a new, transparent internet. Powered by the NEO Smart Economy.
Alchemint is a cryptocurrency stabilization system that runs on NEO’s public chain. It uses distributed ledger technology to create high-performance, application-grade encrypted digital currency, and completes the mortgage of digital assets, management of collaterals value and issuance of stablecoin through intelligent contracts. Alchemint wants to create a robust, open and transparent stablecoin issuance system.
PikcioChain enables the collection, certification and exchange of personal data. It protects the individual's data while making data acquisition and management easy for businesses. PikcioChain is providing the world's first monetized personal data marketplace, and is revolutionary in its concept and idea.